26 March, 2024

Kent Women in Tech Network Meeting

According to Women in Data, less than 25% of professionals working in Data Sciences are Women. Networking is a vital mechanism to address this imbalance.

Kent Women in Tech was founded in 2019 to fill a gap for Women’s events in the Tech space outside of London. Inspired by attending events such as Women In Data, Sarah Lipscombe ran the first session with the help of her colleagues. It continued to run and moved online during the pandemic and has moved back to being a predominately in person event to allow women in the Kent area to connect with each other, share ideas and learn from each other’s experiences.

It has always been an informal and inclusive meet up where everyone is welcome. Over the years, many connections have been formed and continue alongside the regular sessions. Industry research shows women supporting women is a key component of attracting and retaining women across STEM and data sciences fields.

Find out more about the Kent Women in Tech Network Meeting and register here.