10 September, 2024

Rise4Disability Kent

RISE4Disability is coming to Kent! Join us at Discovery Park for the first in an exciting series of regional events designed to empower and support the disability community.

Local Health and Social Care professionals, organisations, and individuals will come together to share insights, showcase innovations, and improve outcomes through more effective collaboration.

From insightful panel discussions to immersive exhibitions featuring the latest products and services, RISE4Disability offers an inclusive space for networking, learning, and exploration.

A Hub of Innovation – Exhibition Hall

  • Diverse array of products and solutions, plus location informational services and charities.
  • In-person demonstrations and a chance to try multiple options under one roof.
  • Directly engage with suppliers to discover the perfect solutions for yourself or your clients.

Have YOUR voice heard – Community Campaigns

  • Have your say on the disability issues that matter to you.
  • Drive policy changes relating to accessibility and inclusion.
  • Advice and information, engaging discussions, and a summary outlining the path forward.

Connect and Collaborate – Integration Conference

  • A platform for AHPs to share their expertise within their specific disciplines.
  • Meet and Greet networking
  • Expand your knowledge and gain new insights

Get Hands-On – Practical Workshops

  • Regionally specified training produced in collaboration with your local authority.
  • Tackle a variety of scenarios and specific client needs.
  • Gain first-hand understanding of applying products and solutions in real-life situations.
  • Collaboration is key as delegates, trainers, and equipment providers work together.
Click here for more information and to register for your FREE ticket.
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