25 June, 2024

Kreston Reeves Finance Focus Webinar

This webinar will provide an essential update for finance directors and their teams on recent or upcoming changes to keep their technical knowledge of the ever-changing regulatory landscape up to date.


Topics covered include:

– Economic update – Phil Eckersley, former agent of the Bank of England

– Financial reporting and the future of audit

– ESG and sustainable reporting

– Corporate tax update and changes on the horizon

– Research and development and share schemes

– Business valuations – understanding the implications of the accounting standards


Who should attend:

Chief Financial Officers, Finance Directors, Finance Managers or Controllers. It will also benefit business owners keen to focus closely on their finances.

Our expert speakers will highlight important areas to look out for and there will be opportunities to submit questions throughout.

You can also submit your questions prior to the webinar by emailing events@krestonreeves.com to make sure they are covered.


Find out more and register here

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